Contributing to the achievement of NHDP’s objectives that aim at ensuring the highest possible level of health for the entire population by developing an efficient health system that is accessible, equitable, and satisfies the right to health for all.
Project description
The project has a national coverage and benefits a population of 8,159,621 inhabitants of which 4,172,301 are women. The project will provide improved health service delivery through construction and equipping of 30 centers including Maternity wards, Obstetrical blocks, Peripheral health units, regional maintenance centers for biomedical equipment, and a branch of the National Institute of Hygiene. Additionally, 26 centers will be rehabilitated or extended. Over 1000 health personnel will be trained complemented by 2300 CHWs, with measures for integration and better coordination within the health system. Communicable disease control will be enhanced through ARV drugs and HIV testing kits, antimalarial drugs.
Impact Fact & Figures
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