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Securing sustainable futures
We create a positive impact that goes beyond just the numbers to lift communities out of poverty inspiring generations of generosity around the world.
H.E. Dr. Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser, President of the Islamic Development Bank
"Our commitment is to rebuild stronger economies for Islamic Development Bank Group member countries and to effectively enhance sustainable human capital development that remains our top priority for the world's most disadvantaged people."
Mr. Joe Cerrell, Chairman of the LLF Impact Committee
"Nearly a third of the billion who live in extreme poverty worldwide live in the Muslim world. Between 2020-2021, COVID - 19 pushed an additional 51 million people from Islamic Development Bank member countries into extreme poverty, where existing socio-economic challenges became severe. Nonetheless, springing from the shared vision of LLF members and by combining resources and skills, the LLF’s multilateral philosophy and financing structure has brought economic growth and better living standards. Our dedication has given populations across multiple continents the tools to succeed — now and in the future."
New Projects Pipeline for 2021
The Impact Committee approved 5 new projects in 2021 which were inducted into the LLF portfolio. The overall 2021 projects are valued at US$ 104.2 million, comprising 2 projects in the health sector, 2 in agriculture, and 1 project approved for basic infrastructure in Maldives which is also a new geography for LLF investments.
LLF in numbers (2016-2021)
Projects in the spotlight
Conakry Sanitation Project in the Republic of Guinea Download infographic
Local Economic Growth Support Project in the Republic of Uganda Download infographic
Timeline of 2021 events
Financing (2016-2021)
Download the detailed financing tables (2016-2021)
Independent Auditor's Report of Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Islamic Development Bank – Lives and Livelihoods Fund (the “Fund”) which comprise the statement of financial position as of December 31, 2021, and the related statement of activities and changes in net assets and the statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of December 31, 2021, and the results of its activities and changes in net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards issued by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (“AAOIFI”).
In our opinion, the Fund has also complied with the Shari’ah Rules and Principles as determined by the Group Shari’ah Board of the Islamic Development Bank Group during the period under audit.
Download the full Independent Auditor's Report
Our donors
The LLF sits at the heart of a dynamic ecosystem of strategic partners driven by a holistic vision, where each partner brings their unique capabilities to the fund, creating a powerful alliance with the skills and expertise to drive economic growth.
Learn more about LLF impactful collaboration
Securing sustainable futures… our impact goes beyond numbers
Download LLF 2021 Annual Report
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